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"L. Aćimović"
Higijenski minimum (2017)
Lj. Jandrić, M. Tešanović, M. Kvaternik, R. Bratić, N. Rodić, J. Kralj, J. Aćimović, D. Stojisavljević, Lj. Stanivuk, D. Danojević, V. Petković, D. Blagojević, Higijenski minimum, Priručnik, pp. 1 - 156, Institut za javno zdravstvo Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, 2017 -
Priručnik za liječenje infekcije izazvane novim virusom korona (2020-05)
Р. Шкрбић, A. Verhaz, П. Ковачевић, М. Травар, Т. Ковачевић, M. Pelemiš, O. Gajič, S. Vujnović, j. aćimović, Priručnik za liječenje infekcije izazvane novim virusom korona, pp. 1 - 52, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Banja Luka, May, 2020 -
Yield and the quality of the weath grain in a year with ehtreme weather conditions (2019-10)
B. Petković, I. Komljenović, D. Aćimovic, Yield and the quality of the weath grain in a year with ehtreme weather conditions, Book of Abstracts, pp. 340 - 340, Oct, 2019 -
The impact on the hibryd and the way of the plantingon the variability of the yield corn silage (2019-10)
B. Petković, I. Komljenović, D. Aćimovic, The impact on the hibryd and the way of the plantingon the variability of the yield corn silage, Book of Abstracts, pp. 98 - 98, Oct, 2019 -
Variation of silage yield of maize hybrids on soils of poor fertility in hilly areas (2023-05)
B. Petković, I. Komljenović, V. Radić, D. Aćimovic, Variation of silage yield of maize hybrids on soils of poor fertility in hilly areas, Book of Abstracts, pp. 83 - 83, May, 2023 -
Cardiovascular Diseases as Comorbidity Among Covid-19 Death Cases in The Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2022-09)
J. Aćimović, S. Stanivuković, J. Đaković-Dević, B. Mijović, M. Malinović, L. Jandrić, N. Rodić Vukmir, J. Bojanić, V. Topić, Cardiovascular Diseases as Comorbidity Among Covid-19 Death Cases in The Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Abstracts, pp. 131 - 131, Sep, 2022 -
The impact of weather conditions on productivity breeding perennial plants (2019-05)
B. Petković, И. Комљеновић, D. Aćimovic, The impact of weather conditions on productivity breeding perennial plants, Book of Abstracts, pp. 59 - 59, May, 2019 -
Variability of yield natural meadow type agrostietum vulgaris on Manjaca (2019-05)
B. Petković, И. Комљеновић, D. Aćimovic, Variability of yield natural meadow type agrostietum vulgaris on Manjaca, Book of Abstracts, pp. 57 - 57, May, 2019 -
Productivity of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) on acidic soil (2024-05)
Б. Петковић, V. Milić, I. Komljenović, В. Радић, Н. Пржуљ, D. Aćimović, Productivity of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) on acidic soil, BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS, AgroReS 2024, pp. 105 - 112, May, 2024 -
Study of the organic and safety agriculture in the Adriatic cross-border region and training needs (2007)
I. Tarelli, S. Dano, D. Marković, Z. Matotan, N. Mirecki, L. Aćimović, T. Beuk Pirušić, V. Sabadoš, Study of the organic and safety agriculture in the Adriatic cross-border region and training needs, Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterraneennes (CIHEAM) Series B: Studies and Research Number 60, 2007 -
Ishod liječenja tuberkuloze poređenjem direktno praćenog uzimanja terapije i samostalnog uzimanja terapije u Republici Srpskoj. (2014-06)
N. Rodić Vukmir, J. Bojanić, S. Stanic, B. Mijovic, J. Aćimović, Ishod liječenja tuberkuloze poređenjem direktno praćenog uzimanja terapije i samostalnog uzimanja terapije u Republici Srpskoj., MD - MEDICAL DATA, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 323 - 327, Jun, 2014 -
HIV and sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015-06)
J. Aćimović, Љ. Јандрић, N. Rodić Vukmir, S. Stanic, L. Bojanić, B. Mijovic, J. Bojanić, HIV and sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Biomedicinska istraživanja - Časopis Medicinskog fakulteta Foča, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 37 - 45, Jun, 2015 -
Prevalence of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Female Sex Workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015-06)
J. Bojanić, G. Guzijan, L. Bojanić, Љ. Јандрић, Н. Родић Вукмир, J. Aćimović, Prevalence of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Female Sex Workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, SCRIPTA MEDICA, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 29 - 36, Jun, 2015 -
Outpatient antibiotic consumption in the Republic of Srpska during the period from 2009 to 2014 (2016-04)
L. Bojanić, M. Đermanović, J. Bojanić, J. Aćimović, V. Marković Peković, Outpatient antibiotic consumption in the Republic of Srpska during the period from 2009 to 2014, SCRIPTA MEDICA, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 47 - 52, Apr, 2016 -
Prevalencija intrahospitalnih infekcija na hirurškim klinikama Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra Republike Srpske (2016-04)
J. Aćimović, S. Kunarac, N. Rodić-Vukmir, L. Božić Majstorović, LJ. Bojanić, Prevalencija intrahospitalnih infekcija na hirurškim klinikama Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra Republike Srpske, STED Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 34 - 40, Apr, 2016 -
Did intensive floods influence higher incidence rate of the west nile virus in the population exposed to flooding in the Republic of Srpska in 2014? (2019-09)
N. Rodić Vukmir, J. Bojanić, B. Mijović, T. Roganović, J. Aćimović, Did intensive floods influence higher incidence rate of the west nile virus in the population exposed to flooding in the Republic of Srpska in 2014?, Archives of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 21 - 32, Sep, 2019 -
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among primary healthcare workers in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina: a cross-sectional study (2022-03)
Darija Knežević, Miroslav Petković, Ljiljana Božić, Nataša Miljuš, Biljana Mijović, Jela Aćimović, Jelena Djaković Dević, Dragana Puhalo Sladoje, Srđan Mašić, Dragan Spaić, Nevena Todorović, Nataša Pilipović-Broćeta, Verica Petrović, Dejan Bokonjić, Miloš P. Stojiljković, Ranko Škrbić, Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among primary healthcare workers in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina: a cross-sectional study, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 18 - 26, Mar, 2022 -
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and knowledge, attitude and practice toward COVID-19 in the Republic of Srpska-Bosnia & Herzegovina: A population-based study (2022-01)
B. Mijović, S. Mašić, D. Knežević, M. Petković, J. Aćimović, J. Djaković Dević, D. Puhalo Sladoje, B. Zeljković, D. Spaić, D. Bokonjić, R. Škrbić, Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and knowledge, attitude and practice toward COVID-19 in the Republic of Srpska-Bosnia & Herzegovina: A population-based study, PLOS ONE, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 1 - 13, Jan, 2022 -
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of parents regarding antibiotic use among children: Differences between urban and rural areas in the Republic of Srpska (2022-03)
B. Mijović, J. Aćimović, J. Đaković Dević, J. Kralj, B. Joksimović, V. Lučić Samardžija, M. Đermanović, V. Vujić-Aleksić, B. Zeljković, S. Perić Simić, Knowledge, attitudes and practices of parents regarding antibiotic use among children: Differences between urban and rural areas in the Republic of Srpska, SCRIPTA MEDICA, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 4 - 12, Mar, 2022 -
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Parents and Pediatricians Regarding Antibiotic Use among Children: Differences in Relation to the Level of Education of the Parents in the Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina (2022-09)
B. Mijović, J. Aćimović, J. Đaković Dević, J. Kralj, V. Lučić Samardžija, M. Đermanović, M. Milić, V. Vujić-Aleksić, S. Perić Simić, B. Joksimović, Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Parents and Pediatricians Regarding Antibiotic Use among Children: Differences in Relation to the Level of Education of the Parents in the Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina, Antibiotics, Vol. 11, No. 1325, Sep, 2022